- antiketogenesis
- мед.сущ. антикетогенез
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
antiketogenesis — Prevention or reduction of ketosis either by decreased production or increased utilization of ketone bodies. * * * an·ti·ke·to·gen·e·sis .ant i .kēt ō jen ə səs, .an .tī n, pl e·ses .sēz the prevention or suppression of ketosis * * *… … Medical dictionary
antiketogenesis — /ˌæntikitoʊˈdʒɛnəsəs/ (say .anteekeetoh jenuhsuhs) noun prevention of the excessive formation of acetone bodies in the body, such as occurs in diabetes. {anti + keto(sis) + genesis} –antiketogenic, adjective …
Norman Lowther Edson — Norman Edson (1904–1970) PhD (Cantab) BMedSc (NZ) MB ChB (NZ) FRSNZ FNZIC, was the first Professor of Biochemistry (1949–1967) in the University of New Zealand based at the University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand. Edson made contributions to… … Wikipedia